Popular Quotes by Betty White

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Betty White was born on January 17, 1922, in Oak Park, Illinois.
* She began her career in radio in the 1940s and moved to television in the 1950s.
* She starred in several sitcoms, including "Life with Elizabeth" (1952-1955), "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" (1973-1977), and "The Golden Girls" (1985-1992).
* She was also a popular game show panelist and won several awards, including eight Primetime Emmy Awards.
* She was a tireless advocate for animal rights and was a longtime supporter of the Los Angeles Zoo.
* She died on December 31, 2021, at the age of 99.
* She was one of the most beloved and respected entertainers of her generation.
* She will be remembered for her wit, charm, and dedication to her craft.