Popular Quotes by Betty MacDonald

Betty MacDonald Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Betty MacDonald was an American author who specialized in humorous autobiographical tales.
* She was born in Boulder, Colorado in 1907.
* Her most famous book is The Egg and I, which was published in 1945.
* The Egg and I is a semi-autobiographical account of her life as a struggling young farmer with her husband and two young daughters.
* The book was a huge success, selling over 2 million copies and becoming a bestseller.
* MacDonald went on to write several more books, including Anybody Can Do Anything, The Plague and I, and Onions in the Stew.
* She died in 1958 at the age of 50.
* Her books continue to be popular today, and she is considered one of the most important American humorists of the 20th century.