Explore Popular Quotes by Robert Collier

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Robert Collier was born in St. Louis, Missouri in 1885. He was a successful businessman and advertising executive before becoming an author. His most famous book, The Secret of the Ages, was published in 1926 and sold over 300,000 copies. Collier's writings were influenced by New Thought philosophy, and he is considered one of the pioneers of the self-help movement. He died in 1950.

Here are some additional details about Robert Collier:

* He was the nephew of Peter Fenelon Collier, founder of Collier's Weekly.
* He studied for the priesthood before deciding to pursue a career in business.
* He was a successful advertising executive for many years.
* He became interested in New Thought philosophy after recovering from a chronic illness.
* He wrote several books on the subjects of success, personal development, and the power of the mind.
* His work has been translated into many languages and is still read by people all over the world.
* He is considered one of the pioneers of the self-help movement.
* He died in 1950 at the age of 64.