Popular Quotes by Zelda Fitzgerald

Zelda Fitzgerald Cool & famous Quotes by

3 Quotes and sayings

Zelda Fitzgerald was born in Montgomery, Alabama in 1900.
* She was a writer, socialite, and the wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald.
* She was known for her beauty, her vivacity, and her struggles with mental illness.
* She published one novel, Save Me the Waltz, in 1932.
* She died in a fire at a psychiatric hospital in 1948.
* She is remembered as a complex and talented woman who was often overshadowed by her husband's fame.
* Her story is a reminder of the challenges faced by women in the 20th century, and her work continues to be read and admired today.

I don't want to live, I want to love first and live incidentally.

Zelda Fitzgerald

I love you, even if there isn’t any me, or any love, or even any life. I love you.

Zelda Fitzgerald

Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much the heart can hold.

Zelda Fitzgerald

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