Popular Quotes by William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth Cool & famous Quotes by

2 Quotes and sayings

William Wordsworth was born in Cockermouth, England in 1770.
He was one of the founders of the Romantic movement in poetry.
His most famous works include "Tintern Abbey" and "The Prelude."
He was a close friend of Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
He was Poet Laureate of England from 1843 until his death in 1850.
His poetry is characterized by its love of nature and its focus on the individual's emotional response to the world.
He is considered one of the greatest English poets of all time.

Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.

William Wordsworth

Dreams, books, are each a world; and books, we know,Are a substantial world, both pure and good:Round these, with tendrils strong as flesh and blood,Our pastime and our happiness will grow.

William Wordsworth

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