Popular Quotes by Whitney Otto

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Whitney Otto was born in Burbank, California in 1955. She attended the University of the Pacific, San Diego State University, and the University of California, Irvine. She is the author of five novels, including How to Make an American Quilt, which was a New York Times bestseller. She has also taught writing workshops and has been active as an artist. She currently lives in Portland, Oregon with her family.

Here are some additional details about Otto's life and career:

* She was born to a couple who later divorced.
* Her father was an engineer, while her mother worked in advertising.
* She attended university at the University of the Pacific, San Diego State University, and the University of California, Irvine.
* She currently lives in Portland, Oregon with her family.
* She has been described as a "democrat", choosing to tell her stories using multiple narrative voices.
* She has taught at a number of writing workshops during her career.
* In 1990 she received an Outstanding Teacher Award from the University of California, Irvine.
* She has also been awarded a number of other prizes and grants during her career.
* Otto has also been active as an artist, crafting shadow boxes that have been exhibited at a gallery in Portland.

Why are old lovers able to become friends? Two reasons. They never truly loved each other, or they love each other still.

Whitney Otto

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