Popular Quotes by Washington Irving

Washington Irving Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Washington Irving was born on April 3, 1783, in New York City.
* He was the youngest of 11 children.
* He studied law but never practiced.
* He traveled to Europe in 1804 and 1806.
* He published his first book, A History of New York, in 1809.
* He is best known for his short stories, including "Rip Van Winkle" and "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow."
* He served as the U.S. ambassador to Spain from 1842 to 1845.
* He died on November 28, 1859, at his home in Tarrytown, New York.
* He is considered one of the founders of American literature.

I profess not to know how women's hearts are wooed and won. To me they have always been matters of riddle and admiration.

Washington Irving

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