Explore Popular Quotes by Walter Scott

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2 Quotes and sayings

Walter Scott was a Scottish poet, novelist, historian, and biographer.
* He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1771.
* He studied law at the University of Edinburgh, but never practiced.
* He began writing poetry in his early twenties, and published his first novel, Waverley, in 1814.
* Waverley was a huge success, and Scott went on to write many more novels, including Ivanhoe, Rob Roy, and The Heart of Midlothian.
* He was also a prolific writer of poetry and history, and his work had a major impact on European and American literature.
* He died in 1832, at the age of 61.

Here are some additional facts about Walter Scott:

* He was knighted in 1822.
* He was a founder of the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
* He was a major influence on the work of many other writers, including Charles Dickens, Victor Hugo, and George Eliot.
* His work is still widely read and enjoyed today.

Oh, what a tangled web we weave...when first we practice to deceive.

Walter Scott

All men who have turned out worth anything have had the chief hand in their own education.

Walter Scott

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