Explore Popular Quotes by Virginia Euwer Wolff

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Virginia Euwer Wolff was born in Portland, Oregon in 1937.
* She graduated from Smith College with a degree in English.
* She married and had two children.
* She divorced and returned to Oregon, where she taught high school.
* She wrote a novel for adults titled Rated PG before turning her hand to young adult literature.
* She has written over 20 books for young readers, including Probably Still Nick Swansen, The Mozart Season, Make Lemonade, Bat 6, True Believer, and This Full House.
* She has won numerous awards for her writing, including the National Book Award for Young People's Literature.
* She is a master stylist who writes about the challenges and triumphs of adolescence with honesty and compassion.
* She is an inspiration to young readers and writers alike.