Popular Quotes by Barney Stinson

Barney Stinson Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Barney Stinson is a fictional character from the TV show How I Met Your Mother.
* He is portrayed by Neil Patrick Harris.
* Barney is a womanizer and a master of seduction.
* He is also a skilled liar and manipulator.
* Barney is a member of the "Lonely Island" with his friends Ted, Marshall, and Lily.
* Barney is known for his catchphrases, such as "Suit up!" and "Legendary!"
* Barney is a complex character who is both charming and infuriating.
* He is ultimately a good friend who is always there for his friends.
* Barney is a beloved character who has made How I Met Your Mother one of the most popular sitcoms of all time.