Popular Quotes by Thomas Keller

Thomas Keller Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Thomas Keller is an American chef, restaurateur, and cookbook author.
* He is the first and only American-born chef to hold multiple three-star ratings from the prestigious Michelin Guide.
* He has won numerous awards, including the James Beard Foundation Award for Outstanding Chef and the Culinary Institute of America's Chef of the Year Award.
* He is the author of several cookbooks, including The French Laundry Cookbook and Ad Hoc at Home.
* He is the owner of several restaurants, including The French Laundry, Per Se, and Bouchon.
* He is known for his commitment to using the freshest ingredients and his attention to detail.
* He is considered one of the most influential chefs in the world.
* He is a role model for aspiring chefs and restaurateurs.

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I think that you’ve got to make something that pleases you and hope that other people feel the same way.

Thomas Keller

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