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Thisuri Wanniarachchi is a Sri Lankan author and public policy specialist.
* She was born in 1993 and grew up in Colombo during the Sri Lankan Civil War.
* She attended St. Bridget's Convent in Colombo and later moved to The British School in Colombo on a full academic scholarship.
* Wanniarachchi received her BA in Political Economy from Bennington College, and is currently a PhD Candidate in Public Policy at the University of Colombo.
* She is the author of two novels, Colombo Streets (2009) and The Terrorist's Daughter (2014).
* Colombo Streets won the 2009 State Literary Award for the Best English Novel of the year in Sri Lanka.
* The Terrorist's Daughter was shortlisted for the 2015 Gratiaen Prize.
* Wanniarachchi has also worked as a consultant for the World Bank and the Government of Sri Lanka.
* She is a passionate advocate for peace and reconciliation in Sri Lanka.

Sometimes I wish life was written pencil so we could erase it and write it all over again.

Thisuri Wanniarachchi

Life is at its best when everything has fallen out of place, and you decide that you're going to fight to get them right, not when everything is going your way and everyone is praising you.

Thisuri Wanniarachchi

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