Popular Quotes by Terry Brooks

Terry Brooks Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Terry Brooks was born in Sterling, Illinois in 1944.
* He graduated from Hamilton College with a degree in English Literature.
* He then went on to earn a law degree from Washington and Lee University.
* He practiced law for a few years before becoming a full-time writer.
* His first novel, The Sword of Shannara, was published in 1977.
* It was a critical and commercial success, and launched his career as a fantasy author.
* He has since written over 25 novels, including the Shannara series, the Landover series, and the Word and Void trilogy.
* His books have sold over 25 million copies worldwide.
* He is one of the most popular and successful fantasy authors of all time.

We live out our lives as we are meant to live them-with some choice, with some chance, but mostly as a result of the persons we are.

Terry Brooks

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