Popular Quotes by B.F. Skinner

B.F. Skinner Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Burrhus Frederic Skinner was an American psychologist who is considered one of the most influential behaviorists of the 20th century. He was born in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, in 1904 and died in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1990.

Skinner's work focused on the study of operant conditioning, a type of learning in which behavior is modified by its consequences. He developed the Skinner box, a device that is used to study operant conditioning in animals.

Skinner also wrote extensively on the application of operant conditioning to human behavior, including education, psychotherapy, and social engineering. His work has been controversial, but it has also had a major impact on the field of psychology.

Here are some of his most notable works:

* **The Behavior of Organisms (1938)**
* **Walden Two (1948)**
* **Beyond Freedom and Dignity (1971)**
* **Verbal Behavior (1957)**

We shouldn't teach great books; we should teach a love of reading. Knowing the contents of a few works of literature is a trivial achievement. Being inclined to go on reading is a great achievement.

B.F. Skinner

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