Popular Quotes by Susan Sontag

Susan Sontag Cool & famous Quotes by

4 Quotes and sayings

Susan Sontag was an American essayist, novelist, and filmmaker. She was born in New York City in 1933 and died in 2004. Sontag was known for her work on a wide range of topics, including literature, philosophy, film, and photography. She was also a vocal critic of war and social injustice. Sontag's work has had a major impact on modern thought, and she is considered one of the most important intellectuals of her generation.

Here are some of her most notable works:

* Notes on "Camp" (1964)
* Against Interpretation (1966)
* On Photography (1977)
* Illness as Metaphor (1978)
* Regarding the Pain of Others (2003)

Sontag was a controversial figure, but she was also a brilliant and influential thinker. Her work continues to be read and debated today.

All photographs are memento mori. To take a photograph is to participate in another person’s (or thing’s) mortality, vulnerability, mutability. Precisely by slicing out this moment and freezing it, all photographs testify to time’s relentless melt.

Susan Sontag

A writer, I think, is someone who pays attention to the world.

Susan Sontag

It hurts to love. It's like giving yourself to be flayed and knowing that at any moment the other person may just walk off with your skin.

Susan Sontag

My library is an archive of longings.

Susan Sontag

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