Popular Quotes by Sakyong Mipham

Sakyong Mipham Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Sakyong Mipham was born in Bodhgaya, India in 1962.
* He is the son of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and Könchok Paldrön.
* He is the Sakyong, or spiritual head, of the Shambhala Buddhist lineage.
* He is a teacher of the Shambhala teachings, which emphasize the importance of wakefulness, compassion, and fearlessness.
* He has written several books on Buddhism, including "The Way of Shambhala" and "Turning the Mind into an Ally."
* He is a popular speaker and teacher, and has given teachings around the world.
* He is a controversial figure, and has been accused of sexual misconduct.
* He has denied the allegations, and has said that he is committed to upholding the Shambhala teachings.
* He is a complex and controversial figure, but he is also a respected teacher and leader in the Shambhala Buddhist community.