Popular Quotes by Sabrina Ward Harrison

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1 Quotes and sayings

Sabrina Ward Harrison is a Canadian artist and author.
* She is the creator of five published books of her journals.
* Her first book, Spilling Open, was published when she was 23 years old.
* She is also the creator of a course called "The Art of Becoming Yourself."
* She currently lives in Madison, Wisconsin.
* She hosts a podcast called Room in the Trees.
* She is passionate about helping people find greater freedom and fulfillment in their creative lives.
* She is a role model for young women who are looking to express themselves creatively.
* She is an inspiration to anyone who is seeking to become their true self.

I am afraid to show you who I really am, because if I show you who I really am, you might not like it--and that's all I got.

Sabrina Ward Harrison

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