Popular Quotes by Pascal Mercier

Pascal Mercier Cool & famous Quotes by

2 Quotes and sayings

Pascal Mercier is a Swiss writer and philosopher.
* He was born in Berne, Switzerland in 1944.
* He studied philosophy, English, and Indology at the Universities of London and Heidelberg.
* He taught philosophy at the Universities of Berkeley and Harvard.
* He has published several books of philosophy and three novels.
* His novel, *Night Train to Lisbon*, was a bestseller in many countries.
* He lives in Berlin.
* He is married and has two children.
* He is 78 years old.

We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there.

Pascal Mercier

A feeling is no longer the same when it comes the second time. It dies through the awareness of its return. We become tired and weary of our feelings when they come too often and last too long.

Pascal Mercier

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