Popular Quotes by Neal Stephenson

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1 Quotes and sayings

Neal Stephenson is an American writer of science fiction, historical fiction, and cyberpunk novels.
* He was born in Fort Meade, Maryland, in 1959.
* He graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in geography in 1981.
* His first novel, The Big U, was published in 1984.
* He has since published several more novels, including Snow Crash, Cryptonomicon, The Diamond Age, and Seveneves.
* His work has been praised for its complex and thought-provoking exploration of science, technology, and society.
* He has won numerous awards for his writing, including the Hugo Award, the Nebula Award, and the Locus Award.
* He is a member of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America and the Authors Guild.
* He lives in Seattle, Washington, with his wife and two children.

She's a woman, you're a dude. You're not supposed to understand her. That's not what she's after.... She doesn't want you to understand her. She knows that's impossible. She just wants you to understand yourself. Everything else is negotiable.

Neal Stephenson

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