Popular Quotes by Najwa Zebian

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1 Quotes and sayings

Najwa Zebian is a Lebanese-Canadian author, speaker, and educator. She is the author of three books: Mind Platter, The Nectar of Pain, and Sparks of Phoenix. She is also a TEDx speaker and has spoken at schools and conferences around the world. Najwa is passionate about using her voice to empower others and to inspire them to live their best lives.

Here are some additional details about Najwa Zebian:

* She was born in Lebanon in 1990.
* She moved to Canada at the age of 16.
* She has a Bachelor of Science in biology, a Bachelor of Education, and a Master of Education.
* She is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Educational Leadership.
* She is a teacher, speaker, and author.
* She is passionate about using her voice to empower others.
* She is an inspiration to millions of people around the world.