Popular Quotes by Moses Hadas

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Moses Hadas was an American classicist, teacher, and translator. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1900 and died in Aspen, Colorado in 1966. He received his bachelor's degree from Emory University in 1922 and his doctorate in classics from Columbia University in 1930. He taught at Columbia University for the rest of his career, becoming one of the most respected and beloved teachers in the Classics department. He was also a prolific writer, publishing numerous books and articles on classical literature and culture. His most famous work is **A History of Greek Literature**, which has been translated into many languages and is still used as a textbook today. Hadas was a major figure in the revival of classical studies in the United States in the 20th century, and his work continues to be read and admired by scholars and students alike.

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Moses Hadas

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