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Megan Whalen Turner is an American author of fantasy fiction for young adults.
* She was born in 1965 and received her BA with honors in English language and literature from the University of Chicago in 1987.
* Before becoming an author, she worked as a children's book buyer for bookstores in Chicago and Washington D.C.
* Her first novel, The Thief, was published in 1996 and won a Newbery Honor award.
* She has since published five sequels to The Thief, as well as a collection of short stories.
* Her books have been translated into over 20 languages and have won numerous awards, including the Mythopoeic Award and the Boston Globe-Horn Book Award.
* She is married to the cognitive scientist Mark Turner and they have three sons.
* She lives in Cleveland, Ohio.

If I am the pawn of the gods, it is because they know me so well, not because they make my mind up for me.

Megan Whalen Turner

I think a good book is a good book forever.I don't think they get less good because times change.

Megan Whalen Turner

He didn't marry you to become king. He became king because he wanted to marry you.

Megan Whalen Turner

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