Popular Quotes by Maud Hart Lovelace

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1 Quotes and sayings

Maud Hart Lovelace was born on April 25, 1892, in Mankato, Minnesota.
* She was the middle of three children born to Thomas and Stella (Palmer) Hart.
* She loved to read and write from a young age.
* She sold her first short story at the age of 18.
* She married Delos W. Lovelace in 1917.
* They had one daughter, Merian.
* She wrote the Betsy-Tacy series, which is considered a classic of children's literature.
* She died on March 11, 1980, in Claremont, California.
* She is still remembered today for her heartwarming stories about childhood.

Isn't it mysterious to begin a new journal like this? I can run my fingers through the fresh clean pages but I cannot guess what the writing on them will be.

Maud Hart Lovelace

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