Popular Quotes by Marsilio Ficino

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1 Quotes and sayings

Marsilio Ficino was an Italian philosopher, translator, and astrologer of the Renaissance.
* He was born in Figline Valdarno, Italy, in 1433.
* He studied at the University of Florence and later became a priest.
* He is best known for his translations of Plato's works into Latin and his commentaries on Plato's philosophy.
* He also wrote on astrology, religion, and music.
* He was a member of the Platonic Academy in Florence, which was founded by Cosimo de' Medici.
* He died in Careggi, Italy, in 1499.
* His work had a major influence on the development of Renaissance philosophy and humanism.

In these times I don't, in a manner of speaking, know what I want; perhaps I don't want what I know and want what I don't know.

Marsilio Ficino

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