Popular Quotes by Luther Burbank

Luther Burbank Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Luther Burbank was an American horticulturist who developed over 800 new varieties of plants, including the Burbank potato, the Shasta daisy, and the plumcot.
* He was born in Lancaster, Massachusetts, in 1849 and grew up on a farm.
* He received little formal education, but was self-taught in botany and horticulture.
* In 1875, he moved to Santa Rosa, California, where he established an experimental farm.
* He continued to experiment and develop new varieties of plants until his death in 1926.
* He was a pioneer in the field of plant breeding and his work had a significant impact on agriculture.
* He was a popular figure in his lifetime and was known for his simple lifestyle and his commitment to nature.
* He is considered one of the most important figures in the history of American agriculture.

Flowers always make people better, happier, and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine to the mind.

Luther Burbank

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