Popular Quotes by Laura Hillenbrand

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Laura Hillenbrand is an American author of books and magazine articles.
* Her two bestselling nonfiction books, Seabiscuit: An American Legend (2001) and Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption (2010), have sold over 13 million copies.
* Both books were adapted into films.
* Hillenbrand's writing style is distinct from New Journalism, dropping "verbal pyrotechnics" in favor of a stronger focus on the story itself.
* Her essays have appeared in The New Yorker, Equus magazine, American Heritage, The Blood-Horse, Thoroughbred Times, The Backstretch, Turf and Sport Digest, and other publications.
* Her 1998 American Heritage article on the horse Seabiscuit won the Eclipse Award for Magazine Writing.
* Hillenbrand is a co-founder of Operation International Children.
* She is currently working on a third book, about the life of the aviator Amelia Earhart.

Dignity is as essential to human life as water, food, and oxygen. The stubborn retention of it, even in the face of extreme physical hardship, can hold a man's soul in his body long past the point at which the body should have surrendered it.

Laura Hillenbrand

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