Explore Popular Quotes by John C. Maxwell

John C. Maxwell Welcome to our collection of popular quotes by

6 Quotes and sayings

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : The only guarantee for failure is to stop trying

The only guarantee for failure is to stop trying

John C. Maxwell

if you don't have peace, it isn't because someone took it from you; you gave it away. You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you.

John C. Maxwell

Talent is a gift, but character is a choice.

John C. Maxwell

Success is...knowing your purpose in life,growing to reach your maximum potential, andsowing seeds that benefit others.

John C. Maxwell

The greatest day in your life and mine is when we take total responsibility for our attitudes. That's the day we truly grow up.

John C. Maxwell

Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.

John C. Maxwell

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