Popular Quotes by John Berry

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1 Quotes and sayings

John Berry was born on September 6, 1917 in New York City.
* He began his career as an actor, working with Orson Welles in the Mercury Theatre.
* He transitioned to directing in the 1940s, and directed several acclaimed films, including "Casbah" (1948) and "Tension" (1949).
* In the 1950s, he was blacklisted by the Hollywood studios for his suspected communist sympathies.
* He moved to France, where he continued to direct films, including "Touchez pas au grisbi" (1954) and "Carnaval" (1955).
* He returned to the United States in the 1960s, and directed several more films, including "Claudine" (1974) and "Un homme amoureux" (1986).
* He died on November 29, 1999 in Paris.
* He was a versatile and talented filmmaker who made significant contributions to American and French cinema.