Popular Quotes by John Berger

John Berger Cool & famous Quotes by

3 Quotes and sayings

John Berger was an English art critic, novelist, painter and poet.
* He was born in London in 1926 and died in 2017.
* His novel G. won the 1972 Booker Prize.
* His essay on art criticism Ways of Seeing was influential.
* He lived in France for over fifty years.
* He was a Marxist humanist and his strongly stated opinions on modern art combined to make him a controversial figure early in his career.
* He was a prolific writer and produced a wide range of work, including novels, essays, poetry, and screenplays.
* His work is characterized by its intelligence, compassion, and insight.
* He is considered one of the most important writers of the 20th century.

Autobiography begins with a sense of being alone. It is an orphan form.

John Berger

The relation between what we see and what we know is never settled. Each evening we see the sun set. We know that the earth is turning away from it. Yet the knowledge, the explanation, never quite fits the sight.

John Berger

When we read a story, we inhabit it. The covers of the book are like a roof and four walls. What is to happen next will take place within the four walls of the story. And this is possible because the story's voice makes everything its own.

John Berger

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