Popular Quotes by Joe Namath

Joe Namath Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Joe Namath was born on May 31, 1943, in Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania.
* He played college football at the University of Alabama, where he won the national championship in 1964.
* He was drafted by the New York Jets in the first round of the 1965 AFL Draft.
* He led the Jets to victory in Super Bowl III, which was the first Super Bowl victory for a team from the AFL.
* He was named the Super Bowl MVP.
* He was inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame in 1985.
* He is considered one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time.
* He is known for his flamboyant personality and his outspokenness.
* He is still active in the sports world, and he is a popular spokesperson for many brands.