Popular Quotes by Jeremy Bentham

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1 Quotes and sayings

Jeremy Bentham was an English philosopher, jurist, and social reformer regarded as the founder of modern utilitarianism. He was born in London in 1748 and died in 1832. Bentham's philosophy of utilitarianism holds that the right action is the one that produces the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. He applied this principle to a wide range of issues, including law, economics, and social policy. Bentham's ideas were highly influential in the 19th century and continue to be debated today.

Here are some of Bentham's most notable achievements:

* He coined the term "utilitarianism".
* He developed the "greatest happiness principle".
* He advocated for a number of reforms, including the abolition of slavery, the reform of the criminal justice system, and the introduction of universal suffrage.
* He was a leading figure in the development of the philosophy of law.
* His ideas continue to be influential in a wide range of fields, including law, economics, and social policy.

Create all the happiness you are able to create; remove all the misery you are able to remove. Every day will allow you, --will invite you to add something to the pleasure of others, --or to diminish something of their pains.

Jeremy Bentham

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