Popular Quotes by Jean Rhys

Jean Rhys Cool & famous Quotes by

1 Quotes and sayings

Jean Rhys was born in Roseau, Dominica, in 1890.
* She was the daughter of a Welsh doctor and a Creole mother.
* She moved to England at the age of 16 to study acting.
* She had a difficult childhood and struggled with alcoholism and depression throughout her life.
* She is best known for her novel Wide Sargasso Sea, which was published in 1966.
* Wide Sargasso Sea is a prequel to Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre.
* Rhys was awarded the CBE in 1978 for her services to literature.
* She died in 1979 at the age of 88.
* Her work is still widely read and admired today.

I like shape very much. A novel has to have shape, and life doesn't have any.

Jean Rhys

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