Popular Quotes by Jaycee Dugard

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1 Quotes and sayings

Jaycee Lee Dugard was born on May 3, 1980, in Anaheim, California.
* She was abducted on June 10, 1991, at the age of 11, while walking to a school bus stop.
* She was held captive for 18 years by Phillip and Nancy Garrido.
* During her captivity, she gave birth to two daughters.
* She was rescued on August 26, 2009, after Phillip Garrido brought his daughters to a parole office.
* She has written two books about her experience: A Stolen Life and Freedom: My Book of Firsts.
* She is now married and has a third child.
* She is an advocate for victims of child abduction and sexual assault.

I don't believe in hate. To me it wastes too much time. People who hate waste so much of their life hating that they miss out on all the other stuff out here.

Jaycee Dugard

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