Quotes and sayings about tag  #humor

Quotes and sayings about tag  humor


I am not a glutton - I am an explorer of food

Erma Bombeck

When humor goes, there goes civilization.

Erma Bombeck

Sometimes I can't figure designers out. It's as if they flunked human anatomy.

Erma Bombeck

A grandmother pretends she doesn't know who you are on Halloween.

Erma Bombeck

Housework can kill you if done right.

Erma Bombeck

The road to creativity passes so close to the madhouse and often detours or ends there.

Ernest Becker

No one in the world gets what they want and that is beautiful.

Ernest Cline

God knows I had not wanted to fall in love with her. I had not wanted to fall in love with any one. But God knows I had and I lay on the bed in the room of the hospital in Milan and all sorts of things went through my head but I felt wonderful...

Ernest Hemingway

"This is a good place," he said. "There's a lot of liquor," I agreed.

Ernest Hemingway

Why do people always expect authors to answer questions? I am an author because I want to ask questions. If I had answers, I'd be a politician.

Eugène Ionesco

Every one suspects himself of at least one of the cardinal virtues, and this is mine: I am one of the few honest people that I have ever known.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

I’ve been drunk for about a week now, and I thought it might sober me up to sit in a library.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

I have dozens of loyal fans! Baker's dozens! …they come in thirteens.

Felicia Day

Everywhere I go I'm asked if I think the university stifles writers. My opinion is that they don't stifle enough of them. There's many a best-seller that could have been prevented by a good teacher.

Flannery O'Connor

In real life, I assure you, there is no such thing as algebra.

Fran Lebowitz

Money may not buy happiness, but I'd rather cry in a Jaguar than on a bus.

Françoise Sagan

Interviewer: 'So Frank, you have long hair. Does that make you a woman?'Frank Zappa: 'You have a wooden leg. Does that make you a table?

Frank Zappa

Definition of rock journalism: People who can't write, doing interviews with people who can't think, in order to prepare articles for people who can't read.

Frank Zappa

I'm not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick smart colleagues.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

A joke is an epigram on the death of a feeling.

Friedrich Nietzsche

It is hard enough to remember my opinions, without also remembering my reasons for them!

Friedrich Nietzsche

Hearing nuns' confessions is like being stoned to death with popcorn.

Fulton J. Sheen

Fiction was invented the day Jonah arrived home and told his wife that he was three days late because he had been swallowed by a whale..

Gabriel García Márquez

I never gossip. I observe. And then relay my observations to practically everyone.

Gail Carriger

How ghastly for her, people actually thinking, with their brains, and right next door. Oh, the travesty of it all.

Gail Carriger

Evelyn was an insomniac so when they say she died in her sleep, you have to question that.

Garrison Keillor

Anyone who thinks sitting in church can make you a Christian must also think that sitting in a garage can make you a car.

Garrison Keillor

The French have a new president, the British will soon have a new P.M., and we envy them as we endure the endless wait for this small dim man to go back to Texas and resume his life.

Garrison Keillor

Welcome to Hell. Here's your accordion.

Gary Larson

I tried to contain myself... but I escaped!

Gary Paulsen

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