Each affects the other, and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one.

Mitch Albom

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Quotes and Sayings by Authors: Inspirational Wisdom

2,422 Authors found

Looking for a quote from your favorite writer or author? You've come to the right place! Here, we've gathered the most influential leaders, authors, and writers throughout human history and collected the best and most famous of their sayings and ideas, presented in the form of quotations. Explore our curated collection and discover timeless wisdom that will inspire and motivate you.

Examples : citations by Rumi, funny quotes by Oscar Wilde, quotes by Plato, Mother Teresa sayings, quotes and sayings by Nelson Mandela, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, Einstein, Robert Frost, ShakespeareMartin Luther king, Steve jobsAgatha ChristieOprah Winfrey, ...etc.