Quotes and sayings about tag  #libraries

Quotes and sayings about tag  libraries


Walking the stacks in a library, dragging your fingers across the spines -- it's hard not to feel the presence of sleeping spirits.

Robin Sloan

Don't join the book burners. Don't think you're going to conceal faults by concealing evidence that they ever existed. Don't be afraid to go in your library and read every book...

Dwight D. Eisenhower

You are a total stranger and you want to take my library book.

Elizabeth Kostova

What a school thinks about its library is a measure of what it feels about education.

Harold Howe

If your library is not "unsafe," it probably isn't doing its job.

John Berry

In a good bookroom you feel in some mysterious way that you are absorbing the wisdom contained in all the books through your skin, without even opening them.

Mark Twain

Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future.

Ray Bradbury

I like libraries. It makes me feel comfortable and secure to have walls of words, beautiful and wise, all around me. I always feel better when I can see that there is something to hold back the shadows.

Roger Zelazny

Libraries store the energy that fuels the imagination. They open up windows to the world and inspire us to explore and achieve, and contribute to improving our quality of life. Libraries change lives for the better.

Sidney Sheldon

An original idea. That can't be too hard. The library must be full of them.

Stephen Fry

The three rules of the Librarians of Time and Space are: 1) Silence; 2) Books must be returned no later than the last date shown; and 3) Do not interfere with the nature of causality.

Terry Pratchett

Whatever the cost of our libraries, the price is cheap compared to that of an ignorant nation.

Walter Cronkite

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