Quotes and sayings about tag  #books

Quotes and sayings about tag  books


Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.

Maya Angelou

I think a good book is a good book forever.I don't think they get less good because times change.

Megan Whalen Turner

Life is too short to read books that I'm not enjoying.

Melissa Marr

Break the spine of one of my books and I break yours.

Mia James

Books aren't written - they're rewritten. Including your own. It is one of the hardest things to accept, especially after the seventh rewrite hasn't quite done it.

Michael Crichton

When I am attacked by gloomy thoughts, nothing helps me so much as running to my books. They quickly absorb me and banish the clouds from my mind.

Michel de Montaigne

Finally, from so little sleeping and so much reading, his brain dried up and he went completely out of his mind.

Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra

I’d volunteer to go to prison, as long as there are books. Because with books I am free.

Mohammad Hatta

In the case of good books, the point is not to see how many of them you can get through, but rather how many can get through to you.

Mortimer J. Adler

Thank you for sending me a copy of your book. I'll waste no time reading it.

Moses Hadas

I thought: pity the poor in spirit who know neither the enchantment nor the beauty of language.

Muriel Barbery

I should rather have you than a heap of gold, even if it were very comfortable to sleep on.

Naomi Novik

I love the solitude of reading. I love the deep dive into someone else's story, the delicious ache of a last page.

Naomi Shihab Nye

What I say is, a town isn’t a town without a bookstore. It may call itself a town, but unless it’s got a bookstore, it knows it’s not foolin’ a soul.

Neil Gaiman

Picking five favorite books is like picking the five body parts you'd most like not to lose.

Neil Gaiman

Read. Read anything. Read the things they say are good for you, and the things they claim are junk. You'll find what you need to find. Just read.

Neil Gaiman

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.

Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.

Neil Gaiman

I went away in my head, into a book. That was where I went whenever real life was too hard or too inflexible.

Neil Gaiman

We owe it to each other to tell stories.

Neil Gaiman

Books make great gifts because they have whole worlds inside of them. And it's much cheaper to buy somebody a book than it is to buy them the whole world!

Neil Gaiman

Books were safer than other people anyway.

Neil Gaiman

I lived in books more than I lived anywhere else.

Neil Gaiman

. . . I lay on the bed and lost myself in the stories. I liked that. Books were safer than other people anyway.

Neil Gaiman

Books: a beautifully browsable invention that needs no electricity and exists in a readable form no matter what happens.

Nicholson Baker

That's the whole point of good propaganda. You want to create a slogan that nobody's going to be against, and everybody's going to be for. Nobody knows what it means, because it doesn't mean anything.

Noam Chomsky

I just knew there were stories I wanted to tell.

Octavia E. Butler

I love everything that is old; old friends, old times, old manners, old books, old wines.

Oliver Goldsmith

The books we read should be chosen with great care, that they may be, as an Egyptian king wrote over his library,'The medicines of the soul.

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

What refuge is there for the victim who is oppressed with the feeling that there are a thousand new books he ought to read, while life is only long enough for him to attempt to read a hundred?

Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr.

Books, which we mistake for consolation, only add depth to our sorrow.

Orhan Pamuk

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