Quotes and sayings about tag  death


Every man's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another.

Ernest Hemingway

If after I die, people want to write my biography, there is nothing simpler. They only need two dates: the date of my birth and the date of my death. Between one and another, every day is mine.

Fernando Pessoa

He is terribly afraid of dying because he hasn’t yet lived.

Franz Kafka

The meaning of life is that it stops.

Franz Kafka

The connections we make in the course of a life--maybe that's what heaven is.

Fred Rogers

He died that day because his body had served its purpose. His soul had done what it came to do, learned what it came to learn, and then was free to leave.

Garth Stein

We are born in one day. We die in one day. We can change in one day. And we can fall in love in one day. Anything can happen in just one day.

Gayle Forman

Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead.

Hans Christian Andersen

People die all the time. Life is a lot more fragile than we think. So you should treat others in a way that leaves no regrets. Fairly, and if possible, sincerely. It's too easy not to make the effort, then weep and wring your hands after the person dies.

Haruki Murakami

Death is not the opposite of life, but a part of it.

Haruki Murakami

It never gets easier, missing you. And sometimes I wonder if it ever will.

Heather Brewer

Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there's a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see.

Helen Keller

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

Henry David Thoreau

Everybody know death is inevitably coming, but it never fails to catch everybody by surprise everytime one is going


Why so much grief for me? No man will hurl me down to Death, against my fate. And fate? No one alive has ever escaped it, neither brave man nor coward, I tell you - it’s born with us the day that we are born.


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