Quotes and sayings about tag  #compassion

Quotes and sayings about tag  compassion


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.

More smiling, less worrying. More compassion, less judgment. More blessed, less stressed. More love, less hate.

Roy T. Bennett

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : I find the best way to love someone is not to change them, but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves.

I find the best way to love someone is not to change them, but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves.

Steve Maraboli

Holding a grudge & harboring anger/resentment is poison to the soul. Get even with people...but not those who have hurt us, forget them, instead get even with those who have helped us.

Steve Maraboli

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.

Dalai Lama XIV

Every single time you help somebody stand up you are helping humanity rise.

Steve Maraboli

Give your weakness to one who helps.


It does not matter how long you are spending on the earth, how much money you have gathered or how much attention you have received. It is the amount of positive vibration you have radiated in life that matters,

Amit Ray

We all are so deeply interconnected; we have no option but to love all. Be kind and do good for any one and that will be reflected. The ripples of the kind heart are the highest blessings of the Universe.

Amit Ray

It's not at all hard to understand a person; it's only hard to listen without bias.

Criss Jami

Popular culture is a place where pity is called compassion, flattery is called love, propaganda is called knowledge, tension is called peace, gossip is called news, and auto-tune is called singing.

Criss Jami

Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them, humanity cannot survive.

Dalai Lama XIV

Only the development of compassion and understanding for others can bring us the tranquility and happiness we all seek.

Dalai Lama XIV

I think a lot of psychopaths are just geniuses who drove so fast that they lost control.

Criss Jami

True love is born from understanding.

Gautama Buddha

If everyone in the world sat quietly at the same time, closed their eyes and concentrated as hard as they could on peace and goodwill, all the killing and cruelty in the world would continue. And probably increase.

George Carlin

Doing nothing for others is the undoing of ourselves.

Horace Mann

A kind gesture can reach a wound that only compassion can heal.

Steve Maraboli

Smile at strangers and you just might change a life.

Steve Maraboli

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive.

The only way out of the labyrinth of suffering is to forgive.

John Green

It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.

John Joseph Powell

Men build too many walls and not enough bridges.

Joseph Fort Newton

Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.

Leo F. Buscaglia

It only takes a split second to smile and forget, yet to someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime.

Steve Maraboli

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

Mother Teresa

For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.

Neil deGrasse Tyson

As long as Man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seed of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.


Remember, if you ever need a helping hand, it's at the end of your arm, as you get older, remember you have another hand: The first is to help yourself, the second is to help others.

Sam Levenson

A true gentleman is one that apologizes anyways, even though he has not offended a lady intentionally. He is in a class all of his own because he knows the value of a woman's heart.

Shannon L. Alder

Beauty is not who you are on the outside, it is the wisdom and time you gave away to save another struggling soul like you.

Shannon L. Alder

How would your life be different if…You pretended those around you were deaf to your words? Let today be the day…You let your actions speak and communicate your feelings and intentions.

Steve Maraboli

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