Quotes and sayings about tag  #ambition

Quotes and sayings about tag  ambition


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Find a purpose to serve, not a lifestyle to live.

Find a purpose to serve, not a lifestyle to live.

Criss Jami

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Persistence. Perfection. Patience. Power. Prioritize your passion. It keeps you sane.

Persistence. Perfection. Patience. Power. Prioritize your passion. It keeps you sane.

Criss Jami

Who belonged to no one, who belonged to everyone.Who had nothing, who wanted everything.

Lana Del Rey

I would not sit waiting for some vague tomorrow, nor for something to happen. One could wait a lifetime, and find nothing at the end of the waiting. I would begin here, I would make something happen.

Louis L'Amour

The desire to reach for the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise.

Maya Angelou

The biggest changes in a women's nature are brought by love; in man, by ambition

Rabindranath Tagore

The Artist always has the masters in his eyes.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Surround Yourself with People Who Believe in Your Dreams:Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.

Roy T. Bennett

Because there was a hunger in me to see everything and do everything. I wanted to be everyone I saw. I wasn't enough for me. Can you understand that?

Sidney Sheldon

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