Quotes and sayings about tag  #teen

Quotes and sayings about tag  teen


We're not words, Henry, we're people.Words are how others define us, but we can define ourselves any way we choose.

Shaun David Hutchinson

I wanted to be his life preserver, the thing that would keep him afloat. Instead, he became my anchor. And I’m tired of drowning.

Amanda Grace

I don't like hope very much. In fact, I hate it. It's the crystal meth of emotions. It hooks you fast and kills you hard. It's bad news. The worst. It's sharp sticks and cherry bombs. When hope shows up, it's only a matter of time until someone gets hurt.

Jennifer Donnelly

I saw the world from the stars' point of view, and it looked unbearably lonely.

Shaun David Hutchinson

Depression isn't a war you win. It's a battle you fight every day. You never stop, never get to rest. It's one bloody fray after another.

Shaun David Hutchinson

It's like I'm thirteen again and he's my crush. All I'm aware of in this entire roomful of people is him. Where he is, what he's doing, who he's talking to.

Sophie Kinsella

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