Quotes and sayings about tag  #nature

Quotes and sayings about tag  nature


I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.

Henry David Thoreau

When you do something noble and beautiful and nobody noticed, do not be sad. For the sun every morning is a beautiful spectacle and yet most of the audience still sleeps.

John Lennon

Looking at beauty in the world, is the first step of purifying the mind.

Amit Ray

It's the idea that people living close to nature tend to be noble. It's seeing all those sunsets that does it. You can't watch a sunset and then go off and set fire to your neighbor's tepee. Living close to nature is wonderful for your mental health.

Daniel Quinn

I believe in God, only I spell it Nature.

Frank Lloyd Wright

To become vegetarian is to step into the stream which leads to nirvana.

Gautama Buddha

A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.

Ingrid Bergman

Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy

Isaac Newton

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.

John Lubbock

Handle a book as a bee does a flower, extract its sweetness but do not damage it.

John Muir

The goal of life is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with Nature.

Joseph Campbell

We have no right to express an opinion until we know all of the answers.

Kurt Cobain

If I were a tree, I would have no reason to love a human.

Maggie Stiefvater

Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve.

Max Planck

The sunlight claps the earth, and the moonbeams kiss the sea: what are all these kissings worth, if thou kiss not me?

Percy Bysshe Shelley

The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The happiest man is he who learns from nature the lesson of worship

Ralph Waldo Emerson

I'd like to get away from earth awhileAnd then come back to it and begin over.May no fate wilfully misunderstand meAnd half grant what I wish and snatch me awayNot to return. Earth's the right place for love:I don't know where it's likely to go better.

Robert Frost

Plant seeds of happiness, hope, success, and love; it will all come back to you in abundance. This is the law of nature.

Steve Maraboli

I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery—air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, This is what it is to be happy.

Sylvia Plath

I wish the night would end,I wish the day'd begin,I wish it would rain or snow,or the wind would blow,or the grass would grow,I wish I had yesterday,I wish there were games to play...

V.C. Andrews

An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.

Winston S. Churchill

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