Quotes and sayings about tag  #motivation

Quotes and sayings about tag  motivation


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.

Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.

Roy T. Bennett

Never stop dreaming, never stop believing, never give up, never stop trying, and never stop learning.

Roy T. Bennett

If you don’t give up on something you truly believe in, you will find a way.

Roy T. Bennett

Let go of something old that no longer serves you in order to make room for something new.

Roy T. Bennett

Change course, but don’t give up.

Roy T. Bennett

The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, and secure. You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.

Roy T. Bennett

Don’t let others tell you what you can’t do. Don't let the limitations of others limit your vision. If you can remove your self-doubt and believe in yourself, you can achieve what you never thought possible.

Roy T. Bennett

To overcome fear is the quickest way to gain your self-confidence.

Roy T. Bennett

How much you can learn when you fail determines how far you will go into achieving your goals.

Roy T. Bennett

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.

Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.

Roy T. Bennett

Be with someone who inspires you and makes you be the best version of yourself.

Roy T. Bennett

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Do what you love, love what you do, and with all your heart give yourself to it.

Do what you love, love what you do, and with all your heart give yourself to it.

Roy T. Bennett

You were born to stand out, stop trying to fit in.

Roy T. Bennett

People are successful because they think and act like successful people.

Roy T. Bennett

What's done is done. What's gone is gone. One of life's lessons is always moving on. It’s okay to look back to see how far you’ve come but keep moving forward.

Roy T. Bennett

You make the world a better place by making daily improvements to become the best version of yourself.

Roy T. Bennett

Life is short. Focus on what really matters most. You have to change your priorities over time.

Roy T. Bennett

Gratitude builds a bridge to abundance.

Roy T. Bennett

Instead of worrying about what could go wrong, change your thoughts to what could go right. When you change the negative thought into a positive one, it eliminates the negative one.

Roy T. Bennett

Always remember people who have helped you along the way, and don’t forget to lift someone up.

Roy T. Bennett

Beliefs are choices. First you choose your beliefs. Then your beliefs affect your choices.

Roy T. Bennett

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Maturity is when you stop complaining and making excuses, and start making changes.

Maturity is when you stop complaining and making excuses, and start making changes.

Roy T. Bennett

Great goals make great people. People cannot hit what they do not aim for.

Roy T. Bennett

Once you realize you deserve a bright future, letting go of your dark past is the best choice you will ever make.

Roy T. Bennett

Great leaders can see the greatness in others when they can’t see it themselves and lead them to their highest potential they don’t even know.

Roy T. Bennett

Great Leaders Create More LeadersGood leaders have vision and inspire others to help them turn vision into reality. Great leaders create more leaders, not followers. Great leaders have vision, share vision, and inspire others to create their own.

Roy T. Bennett

Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying.

Roy T. Bennett

Dedicate yourself to what gives your life true meaning and purpose; make a positive difference in someone's life.

Roy T. Bennett

Do not let arrogance go to your head and despair to your heart; do not let compliments go to your head and criticisms to your heart; do not let success go to your head and failure to your heart.

Roy T. Bennett

Keep your promises and be consistent. Be the kind of person others can trust.

Roy T. Bennett

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