Quotes and sayings about tag  life-lessons


A child fish asks mother fish, 'Mother, why cannot we live on the Earth?' Mother fish replied, 'Dear… it is not the place for fish, it is the place for selfish

Santosh Kalwar

I don't care what you say to me. I care what you share with me.

Santosh Kalwar

I was lost yesterday, I am found today and I will be forgotten tomorrow.

Santosh Kalwar

Life is an experiment in which you may fail or succeed. Explore more, expect least.

Santosh Kalwar

,the rest of the girls pretended not to notice. That's just what best friends do.

Sara Shepard

Fear's useless. Either something bad happens or it doesn't: If it doesn't, you've wasted time being afraid, and if it does, you've wasted time that you could have spent sharpening your weapons.

Sarah Rees Brennan

Chasing a person doesn’t give you value or build values in you. You earn your value by chasing morality and practicing dignity.

Shannon L. Alder

The moon will guide you through the night with her brightness, but she will always dwell in the darkness, in order to be seen.

Shannon L. Alder

The true definition of mental illness is when the majority of your time is spent in the past or future, but rarely living in the realism of NOW.

Shannon L. Alder

You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun.

Shaun Hick

There is a season for wildness and a season for settledness, and this is neither. This season is about becoming. Don't lose yourself at happy hour, but don't lose yourself on the corporate ladder, either.

Shauna Niequist

It's a dangerous thing when you have love without faith and trust... No one wants to feel unsure when they give their heart away.

Solange nicole

There came a time when you realized that moving on was pointless. That you took yourself with you wherever you went.

Stephen King

Happiness is not the absence of problems, it's the ability to deal with them.

Steve Maraboli

Your fear is 100% dependent on you for its survival.

Steve Maraboli

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