Quotes and sayings about tag  #inner-peace

Quotes and sayings about tag  inner-peace


Happiness can only be achieved by looking inward & learning to enjoy whatever life has and this requires transforming greed into gratitude.

John Chrysostom

Do not look for happiness outside yourself. The awakened seek happiness inside.

Petar Dunov

Learning to distance yourself from all the negativity is one of the greatest lessons to achieve inner peace.

Roy T. Bennett

Top 15 Things Money Can’t Buy Time. Happiness. Inner Peace. Integrity. Love. Character. Manners. Health. Respect. Morals. Trust. Patience. Class. Common sense. Dignity.

Roy T. Bennett

When you do the right thing, you get the feeling of peace and serenity associated with it. Do it again and again.

Roy T. Bennett

Nothing can disturb your peace of mind unless you allow it to.

Roy T. Bennett

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