Quote Romance takes place in the middle distance....

“Romance takes place in the middle distance. Romance is looking in at yourself through a window clouded with dew. Romance means leaving things out: where life grunts and shuffles, romance only sighs.” - Margaret Atwood


Quotes to Explore

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : The best way to get things done is to simply begin.

The best way to get things done is to simply begin.


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Get up. Clear your desk. Tie your hair, and just start.

Get up. Clear your desk. Tie your hair, and just start.


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Find a way, not an excuse.

Find a way, not an excuse.


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Watch your habits not your weight.

Watch your habits not your weight.


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.

Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Be humble. Your success depends on it.

Be humble. Your success depends on it.

Ibn Jeem