Quote Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks...

“Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth, follow only beauty, and obey only love.” - Kahlil Gibran

beauty love rebellion truth

Quotes to Explore

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.

Supreme excellence consists of breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.

Sun Tzu

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.

Theodore Roosevelt

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today.

Who you are tomorrow begins with what you do today.

Tim Fargo

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.

Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.

Truman Capote

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.

Vince Lombardi Jr.

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid - one must also be polite.

To succeed in the world it is not enough to be stupid - one must also be polite.
