Quote - Being rich is not about how much money you have...

Quote Being rich is not about how much money you have...

“Being rich is not about how much money you have or how many homes you own; it's the freedom to buy any book you want without looking at the price and wondering if you can afford it.” - John Waters

books wealth

Quotes to Explore

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Everything you do is triggered by an emotion of either desire or fear.

Everything you do is triggered by an emotion of either desire or fear.

Brian Tracy

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Always choose the future over the past. What do we do now?

Always choose the future over the past. What do we do now?

Brian Tracy

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.

You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.

Brigham Young

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Don't fear failure. — Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.

Don't fear failure. — Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.

Bruce Lee

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.

The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.

Bruce Lee

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, nor to worry about the future, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly.

Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai