Quote - When you come out of the storm, you won’t be...

Quote When you come out of the storm, you won’t be...

“When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” - Haruki Murakami

change life

Quotes to Explore

 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Winners never quit and quitters never win.

Winners never quit and quitters never win.


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : No masterpiece was ever created by a lazy artist.

No masterpiece was ever created by a lazy artist.


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Your problem isn’t the problem. Your reaction is the problem.

Your problem isn’t the problem. Your reaction is the problem.


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Go the extra mile, it’s never crowded.

Go the extra mile, it’s never crowded.


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : Do one thing every day that scares you.

Do one thing every day that scares you.


 inspirational quotes - Image for quote : If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal.

If the plan doesn’t work, change the plan, but never the goal.
